The Deep Longing
‘The Deep Longing’ is a long-term project exploring the similarities between bodies of water, the sense of restlessness within me as a photographer, but also an aching sense of longing within the world right now.
Water is often known for its therapeutic properties. Whether it is a slow-moving body of water, continuing its journey from the source to its final destination, or the sound of soft raindrops on the window pane at night. Water carries with it a sense of peace and calm. However, I’ve recognised that it also reflects a need in me as a photographer for change, improvement, clarity. As water slowly moves from destination to destination, I sense in me an unquenchable desire to move quickly from one milestone to the next…never stopping, never slowing down, never satisfied to simply be in the moment.
This project is an attempt to flesh out in me some of that restlessness I feel, but also to try and make some sense of the world I live in right now, which is very different from the one I was born into.
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