Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border old man holding photo of him as a child
Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border man stands on fence of farm with sunlight on his face
Steffen Junghanß The Invisible Border man stands facing wall overlooking town and mountains
Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border group of boys smoke and eat dinner together
Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border old family photo on chair
Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border portrait of man in house with dark green background
Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border statue of Stalin
Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border boys over look landscape at sunset
Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border men ride their old soviet jeep
Steffen Junghanß - The Invisible Border man sat by window in Eastern Europe

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